Release 5.0.1 (08/13/2013)
- Fixed incompatibility with FS3852
- Fixed problem where 5.0 and 5.1 could not be installed at the same time
Mil1394 Signal Monitor
- Fixed a problem that caused Signal Extractor API not to return values except STOF fields
Release 5.0 (04/23/2013)
Control Panel
- Warning before clearing Control Panel
- Fixed problem where after loading a Recording file license errors occurred
Release 5.0 beta2 (03/13/2013)
- Added LabView VIs for PHY register access, SelfIDs and ISO Bandwidth allocation
- Fixed return code of fsGetLocalNodeID() in case a bus reset occurred
- Fixed a problem where FireSpys could not be used over Ethernet
- Fixed missing FireSpy node selector
- Fixed missing acknowledge group in Advanced Search dialog
- Fixed predefined recording export scripts
- Fixed problem in debugger of recording Export Scriptor
- Fixed problem with some operations on literals
Release 5.0 beta1 (09/12/2012)
- Memory read/write on the local node (only 3rd generation FireSpy)
Control Panel
- Improved label background color chooser
- More flexible Combo Box control items
- Filter/Trigger for FireSpy 1600/3200
- Advanced local node settings (confrom, cycle master, irm: on 3rd generation FireSpys)
- Support for new FireSpy S1600 and S3200 (3rd generation FireSpy)
- Close / clear buttons
- Fixed problem with editing multi-node Generator files in offline mode
- Experimental IIDC Protocol Support (only on 3rd generation FireSpy models)
Mil1394 Signal Monitor
- NEW Mil1394 Signal Monitor
- XML Format change: PacketSize property renamed to NumBits
- Added Save as button to Export Scriptor
- New importControlPanel() function
- New Multi-node waitBusReset() and getBusGeneration() functions
Symbol Recorder
- Easy access to speed setting
- Fixed bus reset sensitivity by only counting Bus Reset markers with count >=4
Release 5.0 alpha 13 (02/19/2012)
- Fixed incorrect response data display on FireSpy 1600/3200
- Fixed Trigger Sequencer start and stop controls
- Packet (sets) filtering for FireSpy 1600/3200
- Trigger and Trigger Sequencer support for FireSpy 1600/3200
- Fixed FireSpy1600/3200 problem that fixes display of packets not multiple of 4 bytes long
- Fixed recording corruption in case of bus events during packets on FireSpy 1600/3200
- Prevent Recorder clear when still processing data from FireSpy 1600/3200
- Search dialog supports speeds S1600 and S3200
Release 5.0 alpha 12 (11/22/2011)
- Support for the new FireSpy 3200
- FireSpy 1600: Fixed corruption during heavy bus load
Symbol Recorder
- Button to move the cursor to the next error
- File open/save dialog remembers last folder used
- Fixed temporary file problems when running two instances of the application
- Go to Trigger button
- Option to load RAW Symbol Recorder files (.bin)
Release 5.0 alpha 11 (10/24/2011)
Symbol Recorder
- Fixed missing signal polarity setting
Release 5.0 alpha 10 (10/17/2011)
- FireSpy 1600 Event Filter
- Fixed FireStealth normal and Mil1394 modes
- Fixed selective node recording
- Third generation FireSpy supports recordings up-to 10GB
Symbol Recorder
- FireStealth limited to S400 in Symbol Recorder mode
- Fixed error in recording time stamps when FireStealth has no signal
- Fixed incorrect time value display in toolbar
- Mouse scroll wheel can be used to zoom in Time View
- New Time View mode that enables mouse to drag the time view contents
- Slight timeview paint performance improvement
- Toolbar indicator that shows which part of recording visible in Time View
Release 5.0 alpha 9 (08/15/2011)
Symbol Recorder
- Cyclic buffer mode and Trigger
- Documentation
- Enhancements to Symbol Display in Time View
- IRIG-B122 Time Synchronization
- Load data from multiple FireStealths in parallel
- Standalone version of Symbol Recorder application
Release 5.0 alpha 8 (07/21/2011)
- Fixed a problem where FireSpy1600 Recorder data is corrupted during loop test packets
Symbol Recorder
- Symbol Recorder module for FireStealth
Release 5.0 alpha 7 (06/29/2011)
- Fixed problem where stream packets are sent with smaller data size than requested
- Recorder module for FireSpy 1600
Release 5.0 alpha 6 (05/22/2011)
- Updated to latest FireCore