AS5643 Connectivity - FireRepeater

AS5643 Repeater - Extend the reach!

AS5643 repeater offer a great possibility to extend
the distance between AS5643 devices. Or they can be
used as temporary node replacements.

Repeater connector info

38999 Shell Size A Specification

PHY Ports: Fits 1 PHY port
Bus Connectors Pinout:

Pin1: RX+ = TPA+
Pin2: RX- = TPA-
Pin3: TX+ = TPB+
Pin4: TX- = TPB-

38999 Shell Size B Specification

PHY Ports: Fits 1, 2 or 3 PHY ports  
Bus Connectors Pinout:

If PHY port 2 is connected to this connector, it will use the following pins:

Pin 2: RX+ = TPA+
Pin 3: RX- = TPA-
Pin 4: TX+ = TPB+
Pin 5: TX- = TPB-


If PHY port 1 is connected to this connector, it will use the following pins:

Pin 6: RX+ = TPA+
Pin 7: RX- = TPA-
Pin 8: TX+ = TPB+
Pin 9: TX- = TPB-


If PHY port 0 is connected to this connector, it will use the following pins:

Pin 10: RX+ = TPA+
Pin 11: RX- = TPA-
Pin 12: TX+ = TPB+
Pin 13: TX- = TPB-


Power connector info

Connector type: 20FB2PN

pin A = GND

pin B = +12V