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GIDEP Membership

DapTechnology announces GIDEP Membership of US subsidiary

GIDEP Membership

DapUSA Inc. has joined to GIDEP Organization. This membership is a commitment to DapTechnology's ongoing efforts to increase product quality and maturity as well as prevent components counterfeiting

GIDEP (Government-Industry Data Exchange Program) is a cooperative activity between government and industry participants seeking to reduce or eliminate expenditures of resources by sharing technical information essential during research, design, development, production and operational phases of the life cycle of systems, facilities and equipment.

The GIDEP database contains information about equipment, parts, and assemblies which are suspected to be counterfeit. After extensive testing and analysis, GIDEP members provide reports on items that are suspected to be counterfeit.

GIDEP membership authorizes DapUSA to participate in providing reports, as well as access a wealth of data to better serve our customers.